fails in sysinstall Fdisk Label
Posted by: admin at 1 Monday 30th, 2009
[w] I receive the following message in the press, not updated
You've already written out your changes - if you wish to overwrite them, you'll have to restart sysinstall first.
So that, sysinstall restart.
LiveFS CD from when you use fixit mode, you must restart the system.
Can not unmount
The sysinstall and run the Fdisk Label menu, just create a partition slice DE無KU will automatically mount the mount point.Fixit may receive an error message like: you try to unmount mode.
Fixit# umount /mnt
umount: umount of /mnt failed: Device busy
The current directory, the directory is not trying to unmount?
Fixit# pwd
Fixit# cd /
The directory you are trying to unmount, or do not have another mount?
Fixit# ls /mnt
.snap/ dev/ home/ usr/ var/
Fixit# umount /mnt/var
Fixit# umount /mnt/usr
Fixit# umount /mnt/home
Fixit# umount /mnt/dev
Fixit# umount /mnt
Strange to me
Please try the following steps to be done.- exit sysinstall (LiveFS CD if you boot from a boot fixit mode) and then mount the partition if it is created, and then unmount.
Fixit# ls /mnt .snap/ dev/ home/ usr/ var/
Fixit# cd / Fixit# umount /mnt/var Fixit# umount /mnt/usr Fixit# umount /mnt/home Fixit# umount /mnt/dev Fixit# umount /mnt
- Make sure the swap partition.
Fixit# swapinfo Device 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity /dev/ad0s1b 1048576 0 1048576 0%
Fixit# swapoff /dev/ad0s1b
- Start sysinstall (LiveFS CD if you start from a restart).
Filed under Preferences |
One Response to "sysinstall fails in Fdisk Label"
January 30th, 2009 at 1:03 PM
The Fdisk Label [...] sysinstall fails [...]